Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Book Cover next Week

The cover for my new book "Hands of Fire" is just about completed, and I'll be posting it here next week. I'm finishing off the last round of edits on the book and am very excited with how it is coming together. Hopefully by next week I will also have a release date to announce.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I'm still Alive

I'm sorry that it has been so long since I've posted. The last year has been very hectic. I sold a house, moved twice, and have been working to get settled in a new state in a different part of the country from where I've ever lived in the past. It has been a fun adventure, and I am very happy with where I am. Everything has been great, but all of the change definitely messed up my writing schedule. However, I'm happy to announce that my new book Hands of Fire is going through its final round of editing and will be coming out next month. I don't have a final date picked out yet but will soon. Also, Six Days to Meltdown is completed and will be coming out in the next month or so as well. I will start posting more regularly once again and provide updates on my current projects and their specific release dates. I'm excited to be able to focus on my writing once again.